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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 07:41 5 лет назад +2,985 8,206,742 73,780 0.9% +3 225 +4 1,973
2019-09-02 -209 8,203,757 83,728 1.02% 0 222 0 1,969
2019-09-02 -13,096 8,203,966 83,636 1.02% -2 222 +1 1,969
2019-08-29 -3,712 8,217,062 102,717 1.25% -3 224 +1 1,968
2019-08-28 +32,980 8,220,774 101,465 1.23% -1 227 -2 1,967
2019-08-21 +5,669 8,187,794 86,272 1.05% +1 228 0 1,969
2019-08-20 +4,670 8,182,125 85,299 1.04% 0 227 0 1,969
2019-08-19 +5,076 8,177,455 92,067 1.13% +1 227 +1 1,969
2019-08-18 +5,151 8,172,379 101,320 1.24% +2 226 +1 1,968
2019-08-17 +5,176 8,167,228 100,003 1.22% 0 224 0 1,967
2019-08-16 +1,428 8,162,052 99,811 1.22% 0 224 0 1,967
2019-08-15 +2,615 8,160,624 99,616 1.22% 0 224 -2 1,967
2019-08-14 +7,500 8,158,009 83,016 1.02% -2 224 -1 1,969
2019-08-13 +3,382 8,150,509 87,221 1.07% -1 226 0 1,970
2019-08-12 +4,076 8,147,127 80,416 0.99% +1 227 -1 1,970
2019-08-11 +2,064 8,143,051 90,698 1.11% +1 226 +1 1,971
2019-08-10 +821 8,140,987 79,721 0.98% +2 225 -1 1,970
2019-08-09 +8,014 8,140,166 82,397 1.01% -2 223 +2 1,971
2019-08-07 +2,605 8,132,152 86,866 1.07% -1 225 +2 1,969
2019-08-06 +3,366 8,129,547 99,121 1.22% 0 226 +1 1,967
2019-08-05 +3,357 8,126,181 103,454 1.27% +1 226 +1 1,966
2019-08-04 +5,306 8,122,824 98,543 1.21% 0 225 -1 1,965
2019-08-03 +4,257 8,117,518 98,424 1.21% +1 225 -3 1,966
2019-08-02 +3,370 8,113,261 93,306 1.15% 0 224 +2 1,969
2019-08-01 +1,170 8,109,891 96,446 1.19% +1 224 -5 1,967
2019-07-31 +4,267 8,108,721 81,487 1% 0 223 -3 1,972
2019-07-30 +323 8,104,454 83,523 1.03% +1 223 +2 1,975
2019-07-29 +1,591 8,104,131 82,511 1.02% 0 222 0 1,973
2019-07-28 +3,345 8,102,540 85,665 1.06% 0 222 0 1,973
2019-07-27 -2,284 8,099,195 85,492 1.06% +3 222 -6 1,973
2019-07-26 +2,920 8,101,479 47,365 0.58% -1 219 0 1,979
Daily Average (last 28 days) -585 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) -213,525 0 0
Last 24 days -14,032 8,220,774 -2 227 +6 1,967
Last 6 months +689,351 7,517,391 +101 124 +13 1,960
Last 12 months +1,559,144 6,647,598 -591 816 +19 1,954

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