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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-08-21 14:41 5 years ago -55 49,079 5,089 10.37% +1 1,473 +2 7,934
2019-08-20 -15 49,134 6,324 12.87% +4 1,472 +1 7,932
2019-08-19 +889 49,149 6,611 13.45% +1 1,468 +1 7,931
2019-08-18 +1,037 48,260 5,444 11.28% +2 1,467 +1 7,930
2019-08-17 +117 47,223 5,184 10.98% +2 1,465 +4 7,929
2019-08-16 +130 47,106 6,447 13.69% -2 1,463 +3 7,925
2019-08-15 +238 46,976 5,588 11.9% +1 1,465 +2 7,922
2019-08-14 +142 46,738 5,285 11.31% 0 1,464 +2 7,920
2019-08-13 +262 46,596 5,227 11.22% +1 1,464 +1 7,918
2019-08-12 -1 46,334 5,040 10.88% 0 1,463 0 7,917
2019-08-11 +165 46,335 4,607 9.94% 0 1,463 +1 7,917
2019-08-10 +1,966 46,170 4,881 10.57% +2 1,463 +3 7,916
2019-08-07 +212 44,204 3,653 8.26% +2 1,461 +2 7,913
2019-08-06 +205 43,992 3,468 7.88% +1 1,459 +2 7,911
2019-08-05 +1,087 43,787 3,439 7.85% 0 1,458 +1 7,909
2019-08-04 +365 42,700 3,649 8.55% +1 1,458 +1 7,908
2019-08-03 +707 42,335 4,705 11.11% +2 1,457 +3 7,907
2019-08-02 +50 41,628 5,152 12.38% -1 1,455 +3 7,904
2019-08-01 +406 41,578 7,273 17.49% +1 1,456 +1 7,901
2019-07-31 +479 41,172 7,850 19.07% 0 1,455 +3 7,900
2019-07-30 +2,681 40,693 7,007 17.22% +1 1,455 +1 7,897
2019-07-29 +1,206 38,012 6,296 16.56% 0 1,454 +2 7,896
2019-07-28 +275 36,806 6,861 18.64% 0 1,454 +2 7,894
2019-07-27 +874 36,531 6,046 16.55% +1 1,454 +1 7,892
2019-07-26 +1,039 35,657 4,803 13.47% -1 1,453 +2 7,891
2019-07-25 +803 34,618 4,539 13.11% +3 1,454 +2 7,889
2019-07-24 +516 33,815 3,820 11.3% 0 1,451 +2 7,887
2019-07-23 +203 33,299 3,261 9.79% +2 1,451 +2 7,885
2019-07-22 +383 33,096 3,163 9.56% -1 1,449 +2 7,883
2019-07-21 +472 32,713 3,029 9.26% +1 1,450 0 7,881
2019-07-20 +522 32,241 2,354 7.3% +1 1,449 +2 7,881
Daily Average (last 28 days) +565 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +206,225 0 0
Last 7 days +2,341 46,738 +9 1,464 +14 7,920
Last 27 days +15,264 33,815 +22 1,451 +47 7,887
Last 4 months +34,955 14,124 +91 1,382 +354 7,580
Last 12 months +36,217 12,862 +235 1,238 +939 6,995

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Engagement Rate (likes / followedBy)

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Followed By Growth — monthly

Average Likes Per Post — monthly

Average Likes ER — monthly

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