Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Views Subscribers Videos
2019-09-11 03:34 5 years ago +100,632 463,811,617 -4,636,957 0 0 38
2019-09-10 +94,352 463,710,985 +350 4,636,957 0 38
2019-09-09 +95,654 463,616,633 +289 4,636,607 0 38
2019-09-08 +116,192 463,520,979 +621 4,636,318 0 38
2019-09-07 +110,716 463,404,787 +461 4,635,697 0 38
Daily Average (last 28 days) +140,126 -165,013 0
Last 28 days +3,923,521 459,888,096 -4,620,357 4,620,357 0 38

Views Growth

Subscribers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followers Followings Tweets
2020-02-21 06:00 4 years ago -36 581,863 -1 426 0 5,421
2020-02-20 -67 581,899 +1 427 +1 5,421
2020-02-19 -45 581,966 +1 426 +1 5,420
2020-02-18 -52 582,011 0 425 0 5,419
2020-02-17 -7 582,063 0 425 0 5,419
Daily Average (last 28 days) -7 0 +1
Last 27 days -202 582,101 0 0 +22 5,399

Followers Growth

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Media
2019-08-25 22:47 5 years ago -115 441,082 39,807 9.02% 0 433
2019-08-21 -115 441,082 39,807 9.02% 0 433
2019-08-20 -117 441,197 39,806 9.02% 0 433
2019-08-19 -125 441,314 39,804 9.02% 0 433
2019-08-18 -103 441,439 39,800 9.02% 0 433
2019-08-17 -43 441,542 39,796 9.01% 0 433
Daily Average (last 28 days) -70 0
Last 28 days -1,971 443,053 0 433

Followed By Growth

Average Likes Per Post

Changes day by day

Just a tip: you can scroll (swipe) any table horizontally. Usually there are many columns and some of them could be hidden by default on mobile. So just try to swipe left inside the table.
Date Likes
2020-06-11 02:53 4 years ago -129 392,303
2020-06-08 -9,035 392,432
2019-08-25 -22 401,467
2019-08-24 -20 401,489
2019-08-23 -28 401,509
Daily Average (last 28 days)

Likes Growth