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Changes day by day

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Date Followed By Likes Avg ER Follows Media
2019-09-21 06:52 5 years ago +491,360 33,453,811 262,968 0.79% +4 6,083 +29 10,376
2019-09-02 +9,378 32,962,451 377,008 1.14% -1 6,079 +1 10,347
2019-09-01 +70,610 32,953,073 378,049 1.15% -1 6,080 +3 10,346
2019-08-30 +30,655 32,882,463 367,066 1.12% +2 6,081 +2 10,343
2019-08-29 +40,790 32,851,808 329,345 1% +1 6,079 +1 10,341
2019-08-28 +217,080 32,811,018 333,747 1.02% +6 6,078 +8 10,340
2019-08-21 +29,391 32,593,938 320,839 0.98% 0 6,072 0 10,332
2019-08-20 +27,907 32,564,547 306,029 0.94% +4 6,072 +1 10,332
2019-08-19 +28,873 32,536,640 299,903 0.92% +3 6,068 +1 10,331
2019-08-18 +31,284 32,507,767 272,018 0.84% +2 6,065 +2 10,330
2019-08-17 +31,596 32,476,483 248,331 0.76% 0 6,063 0 10,328
2019-08-16 +26,574 32,444,887 245,563 0.76% +8 6,063 0 10,328
2019-08-15 +31,356 32,418,313 242,706 0.75% +1 6,055 +2 10,328
2019-08-14 +34,760 32,386,957 231,908 0.72% +7 6,054 +1 10,326
2019-08-13 +32,561 32,352,197 229,099 0.71% +7 6,047 0 10,325
2019-08-12 +34,116 32,319,636 210,427 0.65% -1 6,040 +2 10,325
2019-08-11 +28,824 32,285,520 207,377 0.64% +3 6,041 +3 10,323
2019-08-10 +10,123 32,256,696 361,164 1.12% -2 6,038 +5 10,320
2019-08-09 +88,190 32,246,573 327,319 1.02% +17 6,040 +5 10,315
2019-08-07 +30,925 32,158,383 296,841 0.92% +3 6,023 +1 10,310
2019-08-06 +30,785 32,127,458 319,854 1% +1 6,020 +2 10,309
2019-08-05 +27,838 32,096,673 266,623 0.83% +3 6,019 +3 10,307
2019-08-04 +28,595 32,068,835 300,649 0.94% +1 6,016 +2 10,304
2019-08-03 +28,497 32,040,240 274,436 0.86% +3 6,015 +4 10,302
2019-08-02 +28,105 32,011,743 348,876 1.09% 0 6,012 +2 10,298
2019-08-01 +31,583 31,983,638 384,262 1.2% +3 6,012 +2 10,296
2019-07-31 +29,878 31,952,055 370,873 1.16% +5 6,009 +3 10,294
2019-07-30 +32,400 31,922,177 334,564 1.05% +8 6,004 +1 10,291
2019-07-29 +29,485 31,889,777 300,157 0.94% -4 5,996 +1 10,290
Daily Average (last 28 days) +26,783 0 0
Yearly Projections (daily * 365) +9,775,795 0 0
Last 24 days +642,793 32,811,018 +5 6,078 +36 10,340
Last 6 months +4,453,743 29,000,068 +375 5,708 +337 10,039
Last 12 months +8,239,423 25,214,388 +819 5,264 +570 9,806

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